Gheorghe Giurgiu was sick with psoriasis for 7 years (1976-1983) and he was cured with plants.
After this experience carefully researching the beneficial health effects of food, spices and other natural ingredients, he created Deniplant Natural Remedies which are natural modulators of the human microbiome.
They address autoimmune, metabolic and neurological disorders.
To find out what were the first steps in discovering the real treatment for psoriasis, without ointments or other drugs, without a diet, just drinking a tea, access the Chronology or Treatment for psoriasis page.

8 years after I was cured of psoriasis, knowing that there is a hereditary predisposition that can be passed on to the offspring, when my daughter was born, I thought that I should also give her the tea to drink and I did so from 6 months when he started drinking teas in addition to breast milk. And thus by modulating her intestinal microbiome with this tea, I managed to prevent the occurrence of psoriasis in her as well.

Thus, Deniplant Kids tea appeared later for children who have psoriasis and for those who have parents who had psoriasis